Explainability: an interactive view

Explainability is currently discussed as a solution to socio-technical challenges such as intelligent software providing incomprehensible decisions but affecting humans’ lives or big data enabling ...
Repository-Mining: Welche Daten man aus Software-Repositories extrahieren kann und wie man sie nutzt.
In der Softwareentwicklung fallen viele Daten an, die elektronisch archiviert werden, wie zum Beispiel in Versionskontrollsystemen, Issue-Tracker, Chat-Logs ...
Centralization - The curse of data-centric digital systems?

In this talk we look at the successful software architectures that have been developed in the past decades for data-centric digital systems within organizations, collaboration between organizations, and as ...
Building Trust in Cyber-Physical Systems:
Statistical Model Checking in the Software Life Cycle

Among the software systems that determine people's daily life, cyber-physical systems are the ones that are most commonly deployed in critical contexts. It seems natural ...
Data-centric design and validation of collaborative embedded systems

Embedded systems, i.e., computational systems that are a fixed component of a technical system, are ubiquitous in our environment. Recently, embedded systems have begun to communicate and interact ...
Ethics and Accountability of Algorithmic Decision Making Systems

The new 'sexiest job on earth' according to former Google-CEO Schmidt is the "Data Scientist". As data scientists we are entitled to crawl through data, finding patterns that can ...

Requirements Engineering (RE) is one of the classical activities in the software development process. For a long time, ...
Customer and product data as a catalyst for innovative software development

Digitalization is rapidly transforming not only software-intensive companies but all companies and society in large. Typically, digitalization is understood as ...